Services by Dr. Szynal


Dr. Szynal may perform joint injections or other diagnostic testing to evaluate and identify the source of your pain.


szynal-medicalDr. Szynal performs EMG/NCV test to evaluate for carpal tunnel, herniated discs and other nerve pathology.

Dr. Szynal is a member of The American Association of Neuromuscular & Electrodiagnostic Medicine.

Independent Medical Examination

Independent Medical Examinations are often helpful to determine whether continuing care is needed, clarification of the patient’s diagnoses and/or treatment options.

After a comprehensive review of all medical records Dr. Szynal performs a history and physical of the patient and completes a timely, objective and thorough report.

If needed an impairment rating is calculated according to the most recent Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment. The comprehensive report can also address return to work capacity. Medical Record Reviews can also be performed.

Botox Injections

Dr. Szynal is a provider of Botox injections. This is a prescription medication that is injected into a muscle. Botox is often associated for use cosmetically. But Botox can also be used to prevent headaches in adults with chronic migraine. If you have chronic headaches 15 out of 30 days of the month you may be a candidate for this procedure. Dr. Szynal also utilizes Botox injections for spasticity due to cerebral palsy or stroke or spinal cord injury to relax contracted muscles.

Post Offer Employment Physical Examinations

This program can assist employers in qualifying prospective employees for specific job requirements. Post Offer Examinations can reduce work related injury and illness. There are generally 3 steps to determine the demands of a job position:

  • An ergonomc evaluation is performed by the PTA to determine the essential demands of a job position.
  • Creation of a high level test to reflect those demands.
  • The applicant is evaluated to determine the capability of the applicant of performing the physical demands of the job. The applicant completes a physical capacity test by the PTA which will include lifting, push/pull abilities, cardiac endurance, etc….Dr. Szynal then performs a physical examination and renders an opinion as to whether the applicant is “qualified” or “not qualified” to perform the job in question.